Lesson Plans of Block Teaching

During my block teaching period I had to give 4 credited lessons and 10 audited ones. These are some of my lesson plans, hope you like them.

Separation of substances.
Methods of separation

Instructional objectives:

1.   The student will be able to recognize the different materials or substances to be separated.
2.   The student will be able to compare the sizes of different substances to be separated.
3.   The student will be able to explain the methods of separation according to the properties of the mixture.
4.   The student will be able to analyze the sample of mixtures give to them.
5.   The student will be able to record their observation of the activities done.


1.   Handpicking: Separation of substances using hand.
2.   Winnowing: Separation of substances using wind as a source.

Previous knowledge:

The student will have a knowledge of pulses, grains, different materials.

Instructional materials:

Set induction: Kidney beans, pulses, tea, buttons, worksheet 1.

Handpicking: Wheat grains and stones, sand and rawa, chocolates, worksheet 2.

Winnowing: Groundnuts, rice and husk, moong dal, urad dal, sup, worksheet 3

Sequential teaching learning activity
Expected behavioral outcome
1.   Set induction

Teacher greets the students and accepts greetings.
Students also greet the Teacher.
Activity 1.

Teacher divides the students into groups and gives them instructions.

Tr: I have made you’ll into groups. Now students we are going to do an activity, I will be giving you’ll a mixture of 2 substances, please see that you don’t play with it or spoil it.

Teacher gives each group a mixture of kidney beans and dal.

Tr: what do you have?
Ss: mixture of kidney beans and dal.
Tr: now if we want only kidney beans from the mixture, what will you do?
Ss: remove the kidney beans.
Tr: how will you remove kidney beans from the dal?
Ss: we will remove kidney beans from the dal by using our hand.
Teacher gives each group another mixture.

Tr: what do you have?
Ss: colored buttons.
Tr: are there only colored ones?
 Ss: no, there are some white buttons.
Tr: what will you do to remove the white buttons.
Ss: separate the white buttons with our hands.
Tr: were you able to separate them?
Ss: yes.
Tr: use of hand for separating slightly larger sized impurities from the given mixtures, is done a method called HANDPICKING.

Activity 2

Teacher gives each pair of students some roasted groundnuts and gives them instructions

Tr: what do you have?
Ss: groundnuts
Tr: now rub the groundnuts between your palms.
Students does at the teacher instructs them.
Tr: what do your’ll see?
Ss: the outer cover of the groundnuts has been separated from the groundnuts.
Tr: now blow over the groundnuts.
Students blow
Tr: what happened?
Ss: the outer cover of the groundnuts has blown off
Tr: why do you think the outer cover blew off?
Ss: because it was light it blew off
Teacher gives another mixture of urad dal and moong dal and tells to student to blow over them and observe what happens
Students do as instructed
Tr: were you able to separate the moong dal from the urad dal?
Ss: no
Tr: why were you not able to separate?
Ss: because both the components were heavy
Activity 4

Teacher takes a mixture of rice and husk and puts it in a sup. Teacher enacts the process of how rice is separated from rice infront of a table fan

Tr: what did your’ ll observe?
Ss: the husk has blown off with the wind leaving the rice on the sup
Teacher gives each group a worksheet

Teacher discusses the worksheet.

The method of separating lighter components from a mixture by using wind as the main source is called WINNOWING.



Teacher gives the students worksheets:
Worksheet 1, Worksheet 2, Worksheet 3

1.    How will you separate husk from a given sample of pulses.
2.    Where is winnowing mostly used?

Headstart Science- 6


Instructional objectives:
1.    The student will be able to recall the names of different organisms.
2.    The student will be able to differentiate between unicellular and multi cellular organisms.
3.    The student will be able to explain the term cell.
4.    The student will be able to compare the characteristics of the different cells of the human body system.
5.    The student will be able to sketch a diagram of a cell.

Cell: The basic structural unit of an organ.
Types of cells in a human body: Nerve Cell, Muscle Cell, Blood Cell, Skin Cell.

Previous Knowledge:
The student will have a knowledge of organisms, organs in a human body, cells.

Instructional Materials:
Set Induction: chart showing pictures of different organisms, worksheet1.
Development: chart showing organs of a human body, worksheet2, chart showing  
                        A cell, chart of cells present in a human body.
Evaluation: worksheet 3

Sequential Teaching Learning Activity
Expected Behavioral Outcome
Set induction:

Teacher greets the students and accepts greetings.

Teacher distributes worksheets and gives the students instructions. Teacher also puts up a chart showing different organisms.
Students see the chart and start filling the worksheet.
After sometime teacher discusses the worksheet.
Tr: which organism is at no.1
Ss: amoeba is at no.1, because it is the smallest organism.
Similarly teacher discusses the full worksheet, with the largest organism with the human.

Tr: from the above activity we see that different organisms are of different heights and sizes.

Tr: while examining a thin slice of cork, Robert Hooke saw that the cork resembled the structure of a honeycomb consisting of many little compartments. Cork is a substance which comes from the bark of a tree. He called the boxes cells. Cells is a latin word for a ‘little room’.

Tr: when we peel off the skin from the inner layer of the onion and see it under the microscope we see some structures that look similar to each other.

Statement of the topic:

Tr: today we will study more about cells in the topic,

Development of the topic:

Activity 1

Teacher makes a castle using plastic cups.

Tr: now in this structure, if I shake even 1 cup the whole structure falls. Do you know that even a human body is made up of tiny multiple structures and even if one of them fails, the whole body collapses.

Teacher gives a worksheet to the students showing a human body.
Tr: in the worksheet given, name the parts that are labeled.

Teacher discusses the worksheet by putting up a chart.

Tr: cells are of different shapes and sizes

Tr: do you think that the cells present in our body of the same shape and size?
Ss: the cells present in our body are of different sizes.
Teacher puts up a chart showing different cells.

Tr: observe the chart properly and tell me if the cells are of the same color?
Ss: the cells are of different colors.
Tr: the shape of the cell depends on the specific function it performs.

NERVE CELL: it carries messages between different parts of the body, hence they are elongated.

MUSCLE CELL: helps in movement through contraction and expansion, hence they are thin and long.

SKIN CELLS: covers a large area hence they are flat.

BLOOD CELLS: are found in the blood. They are of three types: Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, Platelets.

OVUM: the biggest cell in the human body, NERVE CELL are said to be the longest.

FAT CELLS: its role is to store energy in the form of lipids.



Draw a neat diagram of a nerve cell.

Science textbook for class VIII & IX
CBSE textbook VIII.

Science Textbook VI


1)The students will be able to recognise the process of evaporation & condensation.
2) The students will be able to recall the process of water cycle.
3)The students will be able to explain the process of cloud formation.
4) The students will be able to differentiate between evaporation &condensation.
1) Evaporation     2) condensation     3) water cycle
Previous Knowledge:-
1) Students have Knowledge about sources of water
2) Students have Knowledge about different states of water.
Activity 1:- tr shows demonstration heating of water in a beaker and to explain process of evaporation and condensation. And introduces a topic.
Water -cycle
Tr explains process of evaporation and cloud formation. And shows chart to explain examples of evaporation.
Tr also explains the process of condensation by showing formation of water droplets in 1st activity .Tr also asks to list down the places where water returns after raining.
Tr shows chart of water cycle and explains whole process.
C.B SUMMURY: -   Tr asks students to explain process of water-cycle and summarises the topic.
EVALUATION:-Tr gives worksheet in which includes number of processes and ask to tick mark either as condensation evaporation or formation of water vapours.

Light, shadow and reflection

Instructional   objectives
The  student  will  be  able  to  recall the  definitions  of  luminous  and  non –luminous  objects
The  student  will  be  able  to  recognise  the  luminous  and  non luminous  object
The  student  will  be  able  to  differentiate  between luminous  and  non luminous  object
The  student  will  be  able  to  recognise  the  object  as  transparent  ,translucent  and  opaque objects
The  student  will  be  able  to  differentiate  between transparent  ,translucent  and  opaque objects
The  student  will  be  able  to  recognise  what  happens  when  light  falls on transparent  ,translucent  and  opaque objects.
Key  words
luminous  and  non –luminous  objects, transparent  ,translucent  and  opaque objects.
Instructional  material
Roller  black  board,chalk,picture  cut outs,torch,card  board,glass  bottle,water,glass tumbler,tissue  paper,wooden  scale,notebook,x ray  sheet,air,cloth,thick  plastic ,files.
Prior   knowledge
The  students  will  have  previous  knowledge  of  objects  which  emit  light and  those  which  do  not  emit  light.
Set  induction
Teacher   distributes pictures  and  asks students to fill the  worksheet
Worksheet(tick  the  appropriate alternative)
Picture  of  object Object  emit  light Does   not  emit  light









Conclusion: so we  conclude  that  sun ,candle,bulb and  stars emit  light while  boat, glasses,flower,painting,book does  not  emit  light ,hence   objects  which  emit  light  are  called  luminous  objects and  objects which  do  not  emit  light  are   called  nonluminous  objects.
In  this  way  teacher  introduces the  topic  light,shadows,and  reflections
Development  of  the  lesson
Worksheet(tick  the  appropriate  alternative)
object View  through  the  object possible  fully View  through  the  object  possible partially View  through  the  object  not  possible
Glass  bottle



Glass  tumbler

Tissue  paper

Wooden  scale


X ray  sheet



Thick  plastic


Conclusion: the ojects  through  which we  can  see  clearly  are  transparent,objects  through  which  we  can  see partially  are  translucent,objects  through which  we  cannot see  at  all  are  opaque.
Worksheet(tick  the  appropriate  alternative)
object Light  passes  through Light  does  not  pass  through

Butter  paper


Conclusion: the  objects  which  allow  light  to  pass  completely  through  them  are  called  transparent. The  objects  through  which  allow  light  to  pass  partially  are  called  translucent,the  objects  which  do  not  allow  light  to  pass  at  all  are  called  opaque
Closure  is  done  summarising  concept  map

Evaluation  is  done  using  concept  map


1) The students will be able to recognise the symptoms of anaemia.
2) The students will be able to recall what anaemia is.
3) The students will be able to differentiate between normal & abnormal Haemoglobin level.
4) The students will be able to identify the person having anaemia by observing some external symptoms.
1) Anaemia and its causes
2) Effects of Anaemia
3) Prevention and treatment.
Previous Knowledge:-
1) Students have Knowledge about various diseases.
2) Students have Knowledge about various sources of diseases.
Tr shows picture having active and dull student and ask to contrast between the two and with discussion of same introduces the topic.
Tr shows the chart having different blood cells and introduces the types of cell and what is haemoglobin .similarly gives worksheet to note down the shapes and size by this explains the difference between normal and abnormal Hb. Also explains the impact of low Hb in a blood causes Anaemia.
ACTIVITY: 2:-Tr shows the clinical reports of normal and abnormal child and asks to identify the normal Report and fill the observation in the provided table (Hb value. normal abnormal and inference anaemic or normal).
Tr explains how we can protect from being anaemic by eating some common food product in our daily meal and also can cure it.
Tr summarises the topic with the help of a concept map.

1 comment:

  1. if you want to download bed lesson plan on electrochemical series then click the below link
