Lesson Plans of Peer Teaching

The students will be able to
Recognize the different changes
Recall the definition of reversible and irreversible changes
Discriminate between reversible and irreversible changes
Compare between reversible and irreversible changes

Set induction
Introduces the topic with the worksheet having the items like grain & flour, seed to plant, bud to flour.
Change occur in shape, size and colour.
Statement of the topic :-changes around us
Activity 1:-Blown and unblown  balloon
Conclusion:-Original material back without a change
Activity 2:-Paper to folded paper
Conclusion:- Original paper back without any change.
Activity 3:-Balloon without air to blown balloon then burst the balloon
Conclusion:- Not possible to get original material back
Activity 4:-Paper to burning paper to ash
Conclusion:- Not possible to get original material back
Reversible changes –material can be obtained back
Irreversible chane- cannot back the original material back

                      Fundamental Unit of life

The students will be able to
Define what is a cell
Recall the various cell organelles
Discriminate between unicellular and multicellular organisms
Sketch the diagram of a cell
Set induction
Introduces the topic with a game of naming the basic material to prepare the item which she tells for eg clay pot- clay
Basic unit of living organisms-Cell
Statement of the topic:-Cell structure
Shows the chart of plant and animal cells and work sheet to the students
Shows the different components of the cell.
Tells the difference between plant and animal cells
Different types of cells present in human body with the help of chart.
Blood cells, muscle cells, nerve cells.
Unicellular organisms and multi cellular organism.
Summary with the help of concept map

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