Science Unit Test

During our block teaching we were told to conduct a test of 20 or 25 marks. We had to choose a topic from any standard and conduct the test. The topic for my test was Light, Shadows and Reflections for Class VI A. I conducted the test for 43 students from which 5 were absent. It was a great experience for me to conduct the test. Thanks to Anna Ma'am for training us to set the Question Paper and the Blue Print.

         MARGAO- GOA
           UNIT TEST, DATED:
TIME: 30 minutes MARKS: 25
Answer on the question paper itself.

NAME OF STUDENT:……………………………………………………….


 QI. Choose the correct option:             (6 X ½= 3 marks)                                                                                                           
a.      Which of the following is an example of a natural source of light?

(Candle light, Electric Bulb, Computer Screen, Firefly)

b.      Objects that give out their own light are called

(Non-luminous, Luminous, Opaque, Transparent)

c.      Which of these is not a source of light?

(Sun, Moon, Stars, Fire)

d.      A material that allows only some of the light to pass through it is said to be

(Transparent, Translucent, Mirror, Opaque)

e.      The color of the shadow is always

(Red, Green, Blue, Black)

f.        If an observer on the Earth sees the Moon completely covering the Sun, he can see a

(Total Solar Eclipse, Total Lunar Eclipse, Partial Solar Eclipse, Partial Lunar Eclipse)

QII. State whether true or false:                           (4 X ½ = 2)

a.      We can see an object clearly through a translucent object.

       ----------------------------------- .

b.      Non- luminous objects reflect all light that falls on them.


c.      Wood is an opaque object.


d.      A shadow of an object is always of the same size as the object.

Q III) Answer the following questions in one sentence each: (7 X 1= 7marks)

a.      What is a source of light?



b.      Define:

                                            i.            Transparent object:



                                          ii.            Translucent object:



                                        iii.            Opaque object:



c.      Give 2 examples for each of the following

i.                    Non- luminous object.

……..............................                       ………………………………….

ii.                  Transparent object.

………………………………..                       …………………………………..

iii.                Source of light.

………………………………..                ………………………………………

Q IV) Answer the following questions in two sentences each: (2 X 2= 4mks)

a.      What is required for a shadow to be formed?




a.      List three characteristics of a shadow.




Q V) Answer the following questions:    (3 X 3= 9 marks)

a.      Classify the objects or materials given below as opaque, transparent or translucent
and luminous or non luminous.

Clear water                        Wooden Board                           Flame of a gas Burner
Piece of rock                      Plane Glass                                 Sheet of Cardboard
Sheet of aluminium          Lighted fluorescent tube         Lighted Torch
A mirror                               Wall                                                 Sun
              Moon                                    Firefly                                             Kerosene Stove

b.      Look at the picture given below and name the objects that are labeled in the picture

a.      b. Suppose you have a red bulb and a blue bulb, both showing on a screen (with no other source of light), if you place an opaque object (like a book) in front of the red bulb, what would be the color of the shadow? If you move the object in front of the blue bulb, what would be the color of the shadow? Draw a diagram with colored pens to show the light from the red and the blue bulb and show what happens.

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